Wood Stabilizing Service
I can vacuum stabilize your wood, turning it from something that's too soft and fragile to turn into a solid piece that machines very easily.
I exclusively use Cactus Juice for the best possible results. The $25 is the minimum charge that will be applied to the final fee. My rates are very simple - $2 per fluid ounce of Cactus Juice actually used. Since I leave your wood in the drying oven for at least 24 hours, the stabilization process takes a few days. After drying and cooling, the wood is vacuum stabilized and then heat cured.
In addition to hardening something that is too soft to turn, stabilization is also good for burls that tend to fly apart when turning.
In addition to clear resin, I can also dye your wood during the stabilization process for a nominal, additional fee.
NOTICE: The $33 price includes $25 (minimum) for the stabilizing service and $8 for Priority Mail return shipping. Please be aware that costs could be more, depending on the amount of wood stabilized and actual return postage costs.